Our Services


  1.  Diabetic Foot Care
  2.  Orthopaedic Shoe Provisions
  3.  Orthopaedic Shoe Engineering
  4.  Postoperative Shoe Engineering


Orthoses/Orthotic Technique

  1. Different Measurement Methods
  2. Customized
  3. Functional Design
  4. Comfortable

Foot related topics

Flat ground. It’s man-made…

Flat ground.  It’s man-made,  unnatural and  constricting to feet. Combine that with the study that simply standing is harmful, and […]

Biggest feet in the world

A Venezuelan man has claimed a spot on the Guinness Book of World Records for the biggest feet. Jeison Orlando […]

Why barefoot is best for children

While Katie Holmes was vilified by the press and public alike for stepping out with her four-year-old daughter in high […]

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